Maritiem Digitaal

collectie zoeksyteem van de maritieme musea

The natural history of the sperm whale : its anatomy and physiology, food, spermaceti, ambergis, rise and progress of th...

titelThe natural history of the sperm whale : its anatomy and physiology, food, spermaceti, ambergis, rise and progress of the fishery, chase and capture, "cutting in", and "trying out, " description of the ships, boats, men, and instruments used in the attack ; with an account of its favourite places of resort ; to wich is added, a sketch of a south-sea whaling voyage ; embracing a description of the extent, as well as the adventures and accidents that occured during the voyage in which the author was personally engaged... 
signatuur12 B BEA 
museumHet Scheepvaartmuseum   Het Scheepvaartmuseum
makerBeale, Thomas;  Brown, Sidney G. 
uitgeverHolland Press 
pagina's393 p. 
annotatie1ste uitgave. - 1839 

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