Maritiem Digitaal

collectie zoeksyteem van de maritieme musea

Terrestrial collapsible globe

titelTerrestrial collapsible globe 
museumNational Maritime Museum, Greenwich   National Maritime Museum, Greenwich
datumcirca 1920  
omschrijvingTerrestrial collapsible globe. Geographical details on the sphere show Australia is labelled 'COMMON WEALTH OF AUSTRALIA'. In the south polar region there are 11 labels, including, for example, 'Enderby Land', 'Kemp L.d' and 'Queen Mary Land'. A total of four oceans are named on the globe. Although using Betts' patent, this globe by Philip & Son is not simply a reissue of Betts' own globe, for instance, the scales and the numbers are drawn differently. See Betts, GLB0207. The globe measures 70 mm in diameter when it is collapsed inside its box. For full details about the cartography and construction of this globe please refer to the related publication. 
afmetingenDiameter: 70 mm; Assembled diameter: 410 mm   

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