Maritiem Digitaal

collectie zoeksyteem van de maritieme musea


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zoekvraag: maker = Kipping, R. aantal treffers: 7
Rudimentary treatise on masting, mast-making and rigging of ships ...; together with an appendix of masts and yards of the Royal Navy ...; illustrated ...
maker:  Kipping, R.
literatuurHet Scheepvaartmuseum
Het Scheepvaartmuseum
Elementary treatise on sails and sailmaking with draughting, and the centre of effort of the sails; also weights and sizes of ropes ...; together with an appendix comprising the several inventions of self-reefing top-sails ...; illustrated ...
maker:  Kipping, R.
literatuurHet Scheepvaartmuseum
Het Scheepvaartmuseum
Sails and sailmaking with draughting, and the centre of effort of the sail; also, weights and sizes of ropes ...; illustrated ...
maker:  Kipping, R.
literatuurHet Scheepvaartmuseum
Het Scheepvaartmuseum
Rudimentary treatise on masting, mast-making and rigging of ships ...; together with an appendix of dimensions of masts and yards of the Royal Navy ...; illustrated ...
maker:  Kipping, R.
literatuurHet Scheepvaartmuseum
Het Scheepvaartmuseum
S.3166 [nr 0014] 
The elements of sailmaking ... as practised in the Royal Navy and ... in the merchant service : with draughting and the centre of effort of the sails
maker:  Kipping, R.
literatuurHet Scheepvaartmuseum
Het Scheepvaartmuseum
S.3166 [nr 0015] 
Rudimentary treatise on masting, mast-making and rigging of ships : also tables of spars, rigging, blocks, chain, wire, and hemp rope, etc. etc. relative to every class of vessels : together with an appendix of dimensions of masts and yards of the Royal Navy of Great Britain and Ireland
maker:  Kipping, R.
literatuurHet Scheepvaartmuseum
Het Scheepvaartmuseum
Beknopte handleiding voor het mastenmaken, masten en tuigen van schepen; benevens tafels voor rondhouten, tuig, ketting ... enz.
literatuurHet Scheepvaartmuseum
Het Scheepvaartmuseum